Meet TONICA and TONICAs Tyrolere

  • Sun
    15:00 - 17:30Musikhusets Store Sal, Aarhus

    2020 is an anniversary year for Harmoniorkestret TONICA: we will be 80 years old, but still young at heart and enjoying to play good music well. We celebrate with this new years concert that focuses on entertainment as every year, this time featuring singers Jesper Lundgaard and Sandra Elsfort.

    Soloist and conferenciers: Jesper Lundgaard and Sandra Elsfort
    Direction: Boris Kertsmann

    There are few tickets left. Buy them here.


  • Sat
    15:00 Horsens Ny Teater, Teatertorvet 1, 8700 Horsens

    2020 is an anniversary year for Harmoniorkestret TONICA: we will be 80 years old, but still young at heart and happy to play good music well. We celebrate with this new years concert that focuses on entertainment as every year, this time featuring singers Jesper Lundgaard and Sandra Elsfort.

    Soloist and conferenciers: Jesper Lundgaard and Sandra Elsfort
    Direction: Boris Kertsmann

    Buy tickets here.


  • Sun
    Comwell Teater i Kolding

    2020 is an anniversary year for Harmoniorkestret TONICA: we will be 80 years old, but still young at heart and happy to play good music well. We celebrate with this new years concert that focuses on entertainment as every year, this time featuring singers Jesper Lundgaard and Sandra Elsfort.

    Soloist and conferenciers: Jesper Lundgaard and Sandra Elsfort
    Direction: Boris Kertsmann

    Get tickets here

  • Sat
    19:30Musikhuset Aarhus, Symfonisk Sal

    Tonica's wonderful conductor, Boris Kertsman, graduated this year as trumpet soloist from the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus. To celebrate this, he will give a concert in Aarhus Music Hall.

    He invited us to celebrate with him, accompanying him in Alexander Arutiunian's famous trumpet concert. Don't miss this one out 🙂

    Entree 50 kr.

    see also announcement on the web page of RAMA.


  • Sat

    100 years ago, people in southern Jutland and northern Schleswig (Germany) had the opportunity to vote for which country they want to belong to: an exceptional act of democracy! The more northern ones voted for Denmark, and got the right to belong to their home country. While this anniversary is relatively neglected in Germany (of course, they lost some of their citicens, and the plebiscite was a consequence of 1. ww peace treaty), it gives rise to celebrations all over the our Danish country.

    Aarhus kommune will celebrate the reunion with a free concert, given by TONICA and the Cæcilia choir. It is necessary to sign up for the event, though. Read more (in danish), and sign up here: celebration concert Aarhus kommune

  • Sun
    14:30 Rådhushallen

    Harmoniorkestret Tonica kan igen åbne dørene og byder indenfor til wienerkoncert. Vi glæder os til at møde publikum efter et halvt års koncertpause. Der er lagt op til en forrygende koncert, men kom i god tid eller køb billetten på forhånd. Selv om festsalen er stor må vi kun være 200 publikummer. Det er halvt så mange som var til koncerten i 2019.

    Wienermusik, dans og sang. Opskriften på en dejlig feststemt eftermiddag. Igen har vi Jørgen Fuglebæk  på dirigentpodiet og dansen er trygt lagt til rette med dansere fra Ballet Akademiet. Sangsolisterne er sopranen Stine Elbæk og  tenoren Daniel Kjær Holmberg.

    Med disse musikalske venner kan Tonica garantere klingende lystig wienermusik og en oplevelse for både øjne og ører.

    Daniel Kjær Holmberg, som var solist ved wienerkoncerten  i 2018, vil sammen med  Stine Elbæk ud over egne solistnumre sammen synge den smukke duet ”Følges ad” fra Farinelli.

    Sidst men ikke mindst, med et medlevende publikum og Flemming Knudsen til at præsentere og fortælle,  er der lagt op til en oplevelsesrig, musisk og fornøjelig eftermiddag.

    Velkommen til koncert!

    Biletter kan købes ved indgangen eller på

    Ballet akademiet måtte desværre pga corona-situationen melde afbud i år.


  • Sun
    15:00Ry hallen
  • Sat
    19:30Aarhus Musikhuset, Symfonisk Sal

    Oplev TONICAs dejlige dirigent som trompetsolist!
    Blandt andet med TONICA som akkompagnerende orkester.

    Koncerten er gratis, men kræver billet:

    Under denne link kan du også læse mere om selve koncerten.